Dropped Your Favourite iPhone And Got the Screen Cracked? Get These Options to Fix It

Did you know? It is estimated that the number of smart phone users worldwide is going to reach almost 3 billion by 2020. We live in the digital era, where we could access all the information with smart phones, which can be held in our palms. It is human nature to buy or asset the best thing, so […]

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common problem with iPhone and how to fix it!

Know The Dangers of Using an iPhone With a Cracked Screen

Accidents happen, and your iPhone screen might crack when it slips from your hand. However, screen damages are a common issue. Yes, we all might have encountered it; dropped the phone down and inspected the damage only to know that the screen is cracked. Using your iPhone with a cracked screen not only make your […]

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iphone repairs

Five Essential Tips to Protect Your iPhone From Damage

The iPhone is an expensive gadget that can become even more expensive if you have to repair it, and it makes sense that you have to do everything possible to keep it safe beyond the regular wear and tear. While iPhones are popular due to its portability, this aspect also makes them prone to physical […]

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